Wednesday 21st May Update - Mental Health Week, Y12 Exams and a Marathon

Wednesday 21st May Update - Mental Health Week, Y12 Exams and a Marathon

          Dear Parents and students, Update as of 09.38 on Wednesday 20 May 2020 I hope you and your loved ones are well and able to enjoy this beautiful weather on this stunning island.  I, just like our students, staff and probably you too, are finding I’m locked to my screen for much of the day.  But getting outside is so important for our mental and physical health.  This week is designated Mental Health Week and it’s an important reminder that we talk about how we are feeling, that we check in on each other and spread a little kindness.   Miss David has recommended this website which offers useful information and practical guidance for those who need it. We have been impressed by many of our students who have been serving their community in some way during the lockdown period.  Thinking of others and showing kindness towards others is proven to have a positive effect on our own mental health. The Listening Lounge is also available to those who would like to talk to someone: The listening lounge Opening hours from 10am to 10pm daily, +44 (0) 1534 866793. Located at Charles House: The Listening Centre, Charles House, Charles Street, St Helier Jersey JE2 4RP Jersey Talking Therapies (JTT)     T   01534 444550        E What do we know?

  • In consultation with our House Captains, we have decided to not award Cock House Cup this year as we have not been able to complete all our events.  The last time this cup, the one every House wants to win, was not awarded was during the Occupation.  However, over the course of this week and after half term, JCGtv will be showing the videos the House Captains have made as a celebration of the wonderful things each House has achieved this year.
  • Channel Island Student Business Challenge Update:  We have had the judging session and, to find out the results, students will need to come to the virtual awards ceremony!!! The Awards Ceremony will be streamed tomorrow, Thursday 21st May, at 6.00pm:​.  Good luck to all our students who have been running their own businesses as part of this competition.
  • I have enjoyed seeing Year 7 & 8 in their Zoom assemblies.  We do miss our students terribly and it’s very hard to not be able to answer the overwhelming question ‘when can we come back.’
  • Planning the unlocking of the lockdown: our team are looking at the challenges involved in re-opening and developing a risk assessment and a strategy for how we may begin to slowly welcome some year groups and staff safely back into the building. We will keep you informed.  However, as I have said before, it is the case that we won’t all be back together for some time.
  • This week is exam week for Year 12: while these are being done remotely, I’ve been incredibly impressed by the determination of our students and staff to make this work.  Y12 deserve a tremendous break over half term.
  • Year 13 and Year 12 are providing Zoom sessions for Year 11.  In the words of Lily, our deputy head girl who is coordinating, ‘we want to offer you some support by having sixth formers give you a brief introduction into the course as well as tips such as where to find resources, how best to take notes, and a basic overview of the syllabus.’  I hope Year 11 find these sessions insightful.
  • Last year’s Year 13 who are now at University or employment have coordinated themselves with the help of the JCG Foundation to offer advice and support to our Sixth formers re. Life after JCG, how to make choices on courses and university and generally holding out a kind hand and heart to our students.
  • Year 13 students and parents may have seen the news about Cambridge University deciding to put all lectures online for the next academic year.  That’s September 2020 to June 2021.  While this doesn’t mean that small group teaching will be suspended, it does change the experience.  ​If similar announcements follow, we may see a number of additional students looking to defer their places. If you are thinking about this, please do contact Mr Milner for advice and guidance.
  • Elevate is offering some excellent webinars for parents for their partner schools, of which we are one.  We have used Elevate before to provide face to face guidance and advice to our parents and students and the quality is always very high.  This webinar will once again be free of charge. Details of the event are as follows: Event Title: How to help your child manage their time effectively and overcome distractions at home.  Date: Tuesday 26th May 2020.  Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm.  Cost: Free.   Sign-up Link:
  • The Jersey Policy Forum (JPF) has just launched a civic engagement project and broad-ranging survey to provide an opportunity for people to share their experience of the pandemic and how it might impact their thinking about the future. The survey results will be used to shape their work over the coming weeks and months to develop long-term future-oriented policy options for further public debate and for consideration by government. The survey link is here:  They would like to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate if they wish to do so and, perhaps most importantly, would like to ensure that people who might not normally engage in such activity - particularly students in this case - are encouraged to do so. I would urge you and your daughter to complete this survey as it could help future policy for our island.
  • And finally, one example of the many incredible and kind things our students are doing and thank you to their parents for telling us.  Saesha’s Mum emailed to say ‘I would like to commend Saesha in Year 8 for her personal achievement on Liberation day when she decided to walk a marathon, mainly around her garden, without any significant training or planning. Her parents never thought she would make it and either boredom or lack of fitness would result in her pulling out but after 10 hrs she crossed the finish line and managed to raise £200 for two local charities.’  Fantastic.

  Take care, Carl Howarth Principal