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Our uniform was introduced following a long consultation period. It is designed to be worn by any pupil or student at either JCP or JCG. Those who still have the previous uniform will be allowed to continue to wear it until it needs replacing. It is hoped that by September 2024, all pupils and students will be wearing the new design. We have put together a small Q&A which we hope will address any questions you may have.

Why do we need a uniform?

It is important to us that all pupils and students of both JCP and JCG wear their uniform smartly and with pride. Our uniform reinforces a real sense of identity and belonging to the College. The students are our greatest ambassadors. How they are presented reflects upon both themselves and the College as a whole. We are rightly proud of our pupils and students and expect their pride to be reciprocated through their own presentation. Our uniform is largely transferrable from one school to the other, so at the end of Yr6 parents do not need to buy all new again for Yr7 and we believe this also reinforces our One College identity.

How was our uniform designed?

We invited uniform specialists to present their suggestions and designs to a varied group, which included students. Once we had compared them all, we made the decision use two on-island providers, Lyndale Sports and JSSK. Both these providers are extremely experienced retailers and offer both a physical space to try items and an on-line option for ease of purchase.

What does the uniform look like?

The main elements of the uniform for both schools can be seen on the photos above. There is an extensive list of available items, some of these are part of the compulsory items that will be required, and some are optional extras. The material and designs were chosen in consultation with a student group and are softer to touch and more contemporary. Feedback from the pupils and students, who were involved in critiquing the ‘new look’, was overwhelmingly positive towards the proposed changes.

¿Cambiará el uniforme entre invierno y verano?

There is no specific winter or summer uniform. Students can choose to wear whatever item at whatever time of the year.

Where can I buy the uniform?

Jersey College uniform is available from Lyndale Sports and JSSK. The JCP PTA (for JCP) and the Jersey College Foundation (for JCG) will in time also run second-hand uniform sales of the new design at regular intervals, giving parents an opportunity to purchase good quality items at reduced prices.

Lista de uniformes

Código de vestimenta de 6º curso

Todos los alumnos de Sixth Form tienen un importante papel que desempeñar como embajadores del Colegio y como modelos a seguir para los alumnos desde Reception hasta Year 11. Además de esto, nuestro objetivo es crear un ambiente colegial positivo dentro del Sixth Form y garantizar que todos los estudiantes alcancen plenamente su potencial académico en sus exámenes de A Level. Los estudiantes que tienen una excelente asistencia, la adopción de un enfoque académico para su aprendizaje, estar plenamente involucrado en su Colegio, las comunidades locales y globales y estar elegantemente vestidos todos contribuyen a que logremos este objetivo.

El código de vestimenta de Sixth Form es el siguiente: 

  • All students are expected to come to school in a black suit and to always have their jacket with them – the jacket must be black and can be matched with black trousers, skirt or dress. 
  • Las camisetas y los accesorios deben ser negros, grises, rojos o blancos. No se permiten las camisetas con logotipos o escritos en la parte delantera, las camisetas con chaleco, las camisetas recortadas ni las camisetas sin hombros. 
  • El calzado debe ser elegante, de color negro, gris o rojo y de cuero o un material similar. No están permitidos los zapatos de lona, las zapatillas deportivas, las chanclas, los tacones de aguja ni las botas por encima de la rodilla. 
  • Los alumnos no deben llevar abrigos, bufandas, guantes ni gorros en la escuela.  
  • El pelo debe estar cuidado y ser de color natural. 
  • Los alumnos de sexto pueden llevar joyas, maquillaje y esmalte de uñas, siempre que vayan bien vestidos. No se permiten los piercings faciales (incluidos los de la nariz) ni los tatuajes visibles.

 Recomendamos encarecidamente a los alumnos que etiqueten sus pertenencias (sobre todo las chaquetas) para que sean fácilmente identificables y evitar así su pérdida.  

Todo alumno de 6º que no cumpla nuestras expectativas recibirá una nota por mal comportamiento. Si el alumno recibe tres faltas de conducta en un semestre, se le impondrá un parte de uniforme.


Los alumnos pueden llevar abrigos (de cualquier color) cuando se encuentren en el exterior del campus del Colegio. Se ruega a los alumnos que se quiten los abrigos al entrar y que no los lleven en los edificios del Colegio.