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Actividades extraescolares

No hay nada mejor que la música. Cuando nos saca del tiempo, ha hecho por nosotros más de lo que tenemos derecho a esperar.

Nadia Boulanger

Performing, both individually and with small groups and in larger ensembles with friends is at the heart of all we offer and this is why music flourishes at JCG. 

There are choirs and instrumental ensembles of all types, enabling a rich diet of music to exist at JCG.

Every week during term a wide range of instruments is taught by visiting staff from the Jersey Music Service and from our own - Polyphony programme.

In addition to individual lessons and group performances there is an annual House Music competition incorporating individual, ensemble, composition, and Whole House performances. Students and ensembles are encouraged to perform in the Eisteddfod, in the island’s Musician of the Year competition, in seasonal concerts, and in our biannual musical.

A continuación figura una lista de los conjuntos y coros que organizamos. Los alumnos que deseen formar parte de un conjunto deben ponerse en contacto con Mr Bowley.

  • Cuerdas 
  • Orquesta conjunta 
  • Banda de Música 
  • Pop Bands
  • Coro de Cámara
  •  Coro Junior
  • Armonía estrecha 
  • Informal and formal concert performances
  • Café universitario 
  • Salón en vivo