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Optativas de 6º curso

In addition to A level subjects, students will select a number of elective (cross-disciplinary) courses. 

Elective courses will differ in length and may or may not be examined. In fact, you may prefer to take a course knowing there is no exam so you can simply enjoy it for what it is. Learning does not equate to being examined. The important thing is that you pursue ideas for their own sake and not simply to pass examinations. 

La oferta de asignaturas optativas será dinámica y cambiará de año en año para reflejar el cambio social y las necesidades e intereses de nuestros estudiantes y personal. Esperamos que seas valiente y elijas las asignaturas optativas por curiosidad intelectual, en lugar de optar por lo conocido. 

The elective programme offers a true A-Z of opportunities for learning and enrichment. Examples of current elective courses include TEFL, Journalism, Psychology of Film, History of Art, German for beginners, the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), Cooking for University and Photography. 

Reforzar tu curiosidad, establecer conexiones entre asignaturas y disfrutar aprendiendo por aprender tendrá indudables beneficios para tu comprensión y tus logros en los cursos que elijas. Así aprenderás mejor. 

Your wellbeing is at the heart of all we do at JCG and we will encourage you to participate in activities which specifically focus on this. At JCG we have a culture of service to others and of caring for our environment. The Advanced Learning Programme will expect you to participate in community service and have a positive impact on your local / global community. Service to and for someone else awakens within us an understanding of our interdependence.